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Clinical Pearl Membership

The "Clinical Pearl" is traditionally where older, more experienced doctors and healthcare professionals share cases and insights from their practices. While often based on anecdotal evidence, some medical journals have implied that these pearls may not be entirely reliable. Many younger medical professionals might be unfamiliar with the Clinical Pearl, as it has been replaced by "Evidence-Based Medicine" (EBM), which focuses strictly on scientific evidence. However, after the COVID-19 pandemic, it became apparent that Clinical Pearls were often more effective in saving lives than the so-called "Evidence-Based Medicine" which in fact, was lacking evidence.

We now know that many of the drugs and vaccines used during the pandemic were experimental, and scientists who resisted releasing the vaccine were replaced at the FDA.

The pandemic also exposed significant issues within top medical institutions like The Lancet, which faced a major scandal for publishing falsified data about the dangers of hydroxychloroquine. This led to hospitals and medical boards restricting its use by physicians in many areas across the U.S.

As the attending physician in family medicine at our county hospital told me, “No one died from COVID until the hospital took hydroxychloroquine away from us.” At our medical school, older doctors clashed with the administration and scientists who clung to medical journals. The experienced doctors argued, “I’ve used this drug for 40 years. I’ve never seen what they’re claiming. I have to save people now!” There's also substantial evidence that cardiac glycosides can kill viruses.

It can take 25 years for “official sources” to acknowledge new discoveries. I remember in 1981, when two Australian scientists discovered a bacteria causing ulcers. They were ridiculed. It took 25 years before they won the Nobel Prize and their findings were accepted. Even today, doctors rarely test for it because the drugs are so harsh that patients refuse treatment, even though it's estimated that half the world has the bacteria, and it's the leading cause of gastric cancer. What many doctors don’t know is that studies show licorice, manuka honey, and golden seal can kill it. I’ll also show you a study proving that black cumin seed (Nigella sativa) works almost as well as conventional drugs, and my clinical pearl will document the results.

Learn to Help Patients TODAY

By learning from your peers and combining what we’ve read in scientific journals and books, we can help patients with safe remedies now.


We find that what works is based on real science—biochemistry, physiology—not journals paid millions to push a narrative. We want this space to be a safe place where you can ask questions about cases and share the pearls of wisdom you’ve gained from your own experience.

  • Post a case

  • you find interesting. Keep it as concise as possible so more people will read it.

  • When posting,

  • refer to credible sources

  • If possible, use your medical library or search Google with "scholarly" after your query to find studies from PubMed.

  • Provide links

  • to any evidence or studies you've found, so we can read them too.

  • Post questions

  • if you need information or insights from others.

  • Be respectful:

  • It’s okay to challenge ideas if you think something might be harmful or ineffective, but remain professional.

  • No fighting or name-calling.

  • Unprofessional behavior will result in temporary removal or being asked to leave the board entirely.

Remember, this board is not medical treatment. Please do your own research before making decisions for yourself or your patients.

Clinical Pearl:

A 60-year-old woman had been taking Vitamin D, Zinc Chelate, and an immune booster called Congaplex while working with COVID-19 patients. After two years, she stopped her regimen and contracted a mild case of the Omicron variant, which lasted only two days. Following this, she began experiencing symptoms of nausea, reflux, and a burning sensation in her stomach—symptoms she had never experienced before. Testing revealed she was positive for H. pylori.

She researched some herbal remedies, which provided mild relief. Eventually, she found a
study showing high success with Black Cumin Seed (Nigella Sativa) used in combination with omeprazole. After one week of this therapy, she reported feeling 90% better, and after a month, she felt completely recovered. She has not yet taken a follow-up test, but it has been ordered.

Q/Dr. Ben: What does was used and how long should it be used?

A/Dr. LL: 2 Grams Daily with Omeprazole 20 mg.


Becoming a member provides the opportunity to share and access valuable information on dysfunctions, symptoms, and diseases that you may not be aware of or have been eager to discuss with colleagues.

Weekly Study Updates

Each week, you will receive links to summaries of various studies that can immediately assist in patient care. These studies focus on safe and scientifically proven treatments. For example, one study from Europe compared bile salts, once widely used in medicine, to current drugs for treating psoriasis. The results showed bile salts were more effective with fewer side effects than drugs that carry black box warnings. This study will be provided upon signing up for membership.

Short Presentations

Your member portal will feature brief, science-referenced presentations (5–10 minutes) on vitamins, herbal remedies, and repurposed drugs for you to watch.

Access to the Clinical Pearls Board

The Clinical Pearls Board is a space to post cases, ask questions, and offer insights based on clinical experience and scientific literature. It's designed to foster collaboration among healthcare professionals.

Example of Clinical Pearls and Studies — CLICK HERE.


This platform does not provide medical advice or treatment. It offers knowledge sharing based on scientific research, clinical experience, and continuous learning.

The first three months are free, followed by a monthly fee of $9.99.

Email: [email protected]

Phone : 754-249-8138

Address : Ft Lauderdale, FL 33329